Does your set of professional skills resemble a general store?

Is Your Career Like a General Store?

Depth over breadth?

A couple of weeks ago, I was walking through the general store of a small, rural Ontario town. It was amazing to see the variety of products in this one-person shop.

Non-perishable groceries, household hardware, beer…even a 16-flavour ice cream stand!

I stopped for a moment to pay particular attention to what the store was offering in terms of plumbing parts. The selection sat on a stack of three shelves, about one metre wide.

“Interesting,” I said to myself, “I could maybe fix a few basic plumbing issues with this gear, but would struggle to tackle the bigger, more expensive issues.”

More advanced parts would have to be bought elsewhere. And with my (very) limited plumbing skills, the more complex, valuable and expensive work would have to be done through someone else. I’d need the help of a true hardware store and a real plumber in a lot of cases.

Here’s the $64 000 question: does your career resemble the general store, or is it a specialty store?

Everyone is a salesperson

Everyone’s a Salesperson

Life is full of low-percentage plays. How do you compensate?

Job hunting. Dating. Sales. Making the basketball team (especially when you’re not that tall). What do these all have in common?

For 99% of us, they’re all low-percentage plays. We have little-to-no-chance of immediate, overnight success in any of these arenas. “Winning” in these areas of life takes resilience. A thick skin and a good sense of humour.

Work-life balance: is it really attainable?

Work, Family, Self: Choose Two

I recently had a thought-provoking conversation with an old family friend around the topic of work-life balance. For the sake of this article, I’m going to call her Jane.

Jane’s a very impressive woman. She’s highly educated, has had a stellar career in real estate development and finance, and has lectured on business at a number of Ivy League schools. For the finance nerds out there, she’s one of the co-inventors of commercial mortgage-backed securities.