Student Masterminds

Student life is full of unique challenges: there's a course load to stay on top of, a variety of extracurricular activities eating up your schedule, and a social life that doesn't want you to forget about its existence. There's pressure coming at you from all sides, whether it stems from your family, friends, teachers, or even yourself. Maybe you have a desired direction - maybe you don't. There is so much to do, not enough time to do it, and sometimes it feels like no one else truly understands your reality.

Student Mastermind Groups (or "SMGs") are opportunities for young people to come together in a coaching environment and learn from one another. These groups meet on a regular basis via video conference calls which allow for everyone to share an intimate, yet open, trusting space. Each participant takes a turn in being coached on what is currently "on their mind." All of the remaining group members will get to witness their peer solving a problem that they may well be living through themselves.

This process taps into some key wisdom:

To grow, learn from your experiences. To grow faster, learn from the experiences of others.

SMG sessions allow group members to get to know one another and feel connected through some of the common challenges that others in their phase of life may face. Each group has space for between four and six people, with calls lasting between 70 and 100 minutes based on the size of the group. Should a group member desire further one-on-one coaching on a particular subject, a follow-up session can be booked for a later time.

If you are searching for an exciting and collaborative coaching experience, then a place in a Student Mastermind Group is exactly what you'll want. When you're ready to explore this even further, drop me a line and we'll talk.

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