Everyone is a salesperson

Everyone’s a Salesperson

Life is full of low-percentage plays. How do you compensate?

Job hunting. Dating. Sales. Making the basketball team (especially when you’re not that tall). What do these all have in common?

For 99% of us, they’re all low-percentage plays. We have little-to-no-chance of immediate, overnight success in any of these arenas. “Winning” in these areas of life takes resilience. A thick skin and a good sense of humour.

Work-life balance: is it really attainable?

Work, Family, Self: Choose Two

I recently had a thought-provoking conversation with an old family friend around the topic of work-life balance. For the sake of this article, I’m going to call her Jane.

Jane’s a very impressive woman. She’s highly educated, has had a stellar career in real estate development and finance, and has lectured on business at a number of Ivy League schools. For the finance nerds out there, she’s one of the co-inventors of commercial mortgage-backed securities.

Dear Mom,

Mother’s Day has come and gone. My mom passed away in January of this year, making this Mother’s Day the first one I’ve experienced without her in the physical world. It brought some new feelings to my heart. These last several months have brought about all sorts of changes to my inner world, most of which I just don’t talk about that openly.

This post is going to be very unique, completely unlike my typical writing here at The Leader’s Journey Blog. It’s an open letter to my mom, which gives me a chance to express some deep feelings. The post is as personal as anything I’ve ever published. Hopefully, it will allow anyone else who is living through the recent death of a parent to connect, relate to and feel comforted by the fact that they aren’t completely alone in their process of grieving.

Chris Do's video on making tough choices in life

A 4-Minute Video About Making Tough Choices in Life

I’ve had this video from Chris Do sitting open in a browser tab for over a month. It’s time that you saw it.

Chris Do is one of the most intriguing and influential people that I’ve come across online in the last year or so.

He’s an amazing artist and entrepreneur who teaches the “business of design” through his amazing education company, The Futur. His content is simply epic – it’s well-produced, engaging, selfless and meaningful on so many levels. I’m not a designer or graphic artist whatsoever, but find his insights on business and personal development to be incredibly valuable.

What I'd tell my 20-year-old self

16 Things I’d Tell My 20-Year-Old Self (Now That I’m 30)

Pieces of advice I’d have given to myself (or would give to anyone who’s 20)

I blinked, and then it was over. As they are for many, my 20’s were an amazing, fun-filled, fast-paced ride through many of life’s ups and downs. Thankfully, I’ve emerged wiser and happier!

This post is inspired by a question I received right around my 30th birthday, “what 30 jewels of wisdom can you give now that you’re this age?” I couldn’t quite get to “30 jewels” here; however, these are sixteen things that I’d tell my 20-year-old self after looking back on the last ten years.