Everyone is a salesperson

Everyone’s a Salesperson

Life is full of low-percentage plays. How do you compensate?

Job hunting. Dating. Sales. Making the basketball team (especially when you’re not that tall). What do these all have in common?

For 99% of us, they’re all low-percentage plays. We have little-to-no-chance of immediate, overnight success in any of these arenas. “Winning” in these areas of life takes resilience. A thick skin and a good sense of humour.

What failing a course 3 times will teach you.

What Failing A Course 3 Times Teaches You


That’s the sequence of letter grades I got in Calculus 2 while doing my undergrad at McGill. And the “A” should have an asterisk at the end of it based on what I just said, because the “A” didn’t come through McGill. I got it through the University of Manitoba’s distance ed course.